Hello all and welcome to the first entry of the Summer term. Yes the summer is here, though those (un)fortunate enough to be on the Geography field trip to Fairlight this week would not necessarily have noticed!
Something that most people will certainly have noticed (at least you would have hoped so) is that it's exam season again. Two years (9 months in the case of ASIC students) of hard graft and late nights coming to fruition in less than two hours in an exam hall. This may be a cliché, but doesn't it always seem to be the teachers that are more stressed than the students? Those of us privileged to have access to the boarding houses would say that whatever nerves there are (and we're sure they're there) are being well hidden or expertly dealt with. Good luck to you all in your efforts.
Before I go on, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Holmes and her team of invigilators for expertly setting up and running these examinations every year; it couldn't be done without them!
The Summer Term is always one of big changes and events at school and as usual, our boarders are in the thick of it. One of the most nerve-wracking and eagerly anticipated of these is the appointment of next year's prefect team. During the first weeks of the term the year 12s are invited to apply for a prefect position and their peers and teachers are invited to nominate who they think should have one. Once that is complete a rigorous selection process (somewhat over 2 hrs) takes place that includes many senior teachers and the current senior prefect team. Among criteria considered are: leadership qualities, flexibility, team spirit and the ability to communicate well with all members of the school community. So, without wasting anymore time, congratulations to: Odelia, Chak, Alex, Jonathan, Ochuwa, Amanda, Tini, Caroline and Sascha (if we have missed anyone out we apologise). They have already started their duties and we're sure they'll continue to do a great job.
Here at Ashford School, it is a small matter of pride that not only do we give our students every opportunity to do things that they've never done before, but that they nearly always take that opportunity and succeed. What's more, in many of these cases, they do it mostly by themselves. This was beautifully illustrated in the recent 'Minute to Win it' game show run by our Amnesty students in aid of Cancer research. Tini, Maria, Ochuwa and former boarder Lucas were compares beyond compare as they marshalled a competition of fantastic hilarity between students and teachers, featuring such games as 'Elephant's Trunk' and 'Defying Gravity'. There was some controversy as to the result, but all could agree it was a wonderful lunchtime's entertainment and for a worthy cause.
On a smaller scale Amanda from ASIC has set up and is currently running Ashford School boarding's first pool championship. She has organised the event from the start and will see it through to its culmination this weekend. Here you can see some photos of the action taking place:
However, when we talk about 'adventurous learning' there can surely be no more of an adventure that is currently being undertaken by the Year 11 ASIC students as they prepare for their Shakespearean debut. As you may know, 2016 marks the 400th anniversary of the Bard's death. The Royal Shakespeare Company are running a number of events to mark this and perhaps the most exciting of these is the Dream Team 2016 Playmaking festival. Here schools were invited to apply to rehearse and then perform a part of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. There were roughly 50 places for schools outside of Warwickshire and Ashford IC were lucky enough to be chosen. Their performance 'Lord What Fools...' will take place at The Other Place Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon at 10am on Monday 4th July and will be undertaken in the students' native languages and dialects.
Bearing in mind that these students are currently in the middle of important exams, they will have only two weeks to rehearse before they travel up. This may seem like a daunting task to these young people, many of whom have not acted before, but, under the expert tutelage of Ms Dengate and enthusiastically assisted by Mr K and Mrs Sagastuy, they are enjoying rehearsals and beginning to relish the chance that has been provided them. Here are some shots and video clips from the recent rehearsals:
Demetrius |
Hermia |
Helena |
We will follow their progress eagerly as well as the Year 9 drama students, including boarders Tim and Doris, as they go to put on their adaptation at the 'Margate Shakespearean festival'. Break a leg all!
So, wherever they are or whatever challenge they're facing, Ashford Boarders are giving it their best, with the whole community behind them. That's what we do!
See you next time.