Hello there all! Wow, it's been a long time and we at AIB are sorry that you have been kept waiting for your slice of Ashford boarding life for so long.
Well, since we last spoke, half term has been and gone and the year can be said to be in full swing. Those who were new faces back in September are now fully established and proving themselves worthy members of our great community.
So, what has happened? Amongst other things, we have had amazing trips, for example to Chessington World of Adventure and to Canterbury (many thanks to Mr Single for organising). We have had the music scholars concert where Jervis wowed all with his piano skills. There have been sports matches every week, with boarders from every year giving their all for their respective teams. In further musical news, watch out for Ash Bash this week as, at 16:30 in Brake Hall our school rock bands strut their stuff, be there or be square!
Members of all houses have been shining academically too: Zekai, Delia and Angel have represented the school in the second round of the UKMT British Maths Olympiad while Zekai was one of only three scientists to have qualified for the next round of the Physics Olympiad. Well done all and good luck. In fact, now is the time that many of our Yr 13s are nervously glancing at iPhones, checking their emails, to see if any university offers have come in. They'll come people, they'll come!
We have also seen the introduction of new boarding activities. As well as. amongst other things, the basketball, volleyball, gym and fitness sessions organised by Mr Butt each night and staffed by his excellent gang of helpers, Mr Hinton has set up a badminton competition that looks set to produce some epic battles. There are even rumours of a talent competition...watch this space!
Every other Tuesday night has once again, become the realm of Mr Dudley and the junior boarders as they head out for 'Fun Tuesday'. A recent highlight was the Battle Zone laser night that saw red and blue teams take on each other in a battle of the sharpest shot. After three team events it was every person for themselves and while Mr K had the illustrious honour of being the first to bow out (thanks Emily!), it was Yilong who emerged victorious! More adventures to come soon.
Well, there it is in a nutshell. We promise that you will not have to wait so long for the next instalment and we wish you all a pleasant weekend.